My Matiko shoes have been sitting in my bedroom for just over a week now where they have travelled all the way from America!! I was so excited to finally have them after a couple of weeks of waiting that I just had to tear open the box, especially to see what shoes I had as I was unable to choose due to limited stock/sizes. At first glance, I was quite disappointed with these shoes, partly because I was hoping for the studded loafers or a pair of wedges that I had been previously looking at, not to mention that they weren't really my "style". But slowly and surely, they have started to grow on me and I can totally reassure you that they look soooo much better when they are actually on. Besides, I can't complain. I won them. :)
Anyway, I would like to thank Solestruck and Matiko for the great opportunity and I would definitely recommend you to visit their websites!
Thank you once again!